About Felinopteras

Felinopteras are a eusocial species that have spread across the galaxy. The three sexes are Monarchs, who lay eggs; Drones, who fertilize eggs; and Workers, who are infertile but do most of the jobs of the outpost. They are highly intelligent and capable of using highly advanced technology like spaceships and genetic engineering. They often live side-by-side with other sapient species on planets other than their homeworld, although they can be highly territorial when it comes to their nests.

While Monarchs and Drones handle reproduction and mentoring young members of their own sex, the workers do pretty much everything else. Construction, farming, piloting space ships, you name it and you'll most likely find a worker doing it. While Monarchs and Drones can and will have hobbies outside of babymaking, it's Workers who form the backbone of the nest.

Despite being called Monarchs, the egg-laying sex does not actually lead the outpost. Leadership styles may differ from outpost to outpost, but democracy is most common. Dictatorships do occur sometimes, but they're almost always lead by a Worker.

Drones will almost always leave their outpost of origin to find an unrelated Monarch to mate with upon reaching maturity. Monarchs typically only leave their home outpost if overpopulation starts to become an issue and there are multiple Monarchs, with it usually being younger Monarchs who leave. Workers may sometimes leave their home outpost, usually alongside a Monarch to help them start a new outpost, but they have been known to leave on their own to find a new outpost or sometimes even live without an outpost (often among other species).