Terms of Service

All owners of Felinoptera are covered under the following Terms of Service. By becoming the owner of a Felinoptera, you agree to these terms.

These terms may be subject to change.
Last Update: 07/5/24

Payments and Processing

  1. Full payment is required within 72 hours of your claim. You will be allowed a 24 hour extension if needed.
  2. Cash payments are processed via PayPal. Other payment methods are left up to the discretion of the seller.
  3. There are no refunds on design purchases, however, you may resell for any value.
  4. Sellers reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.


  1. Ownership is transferred upon receipt of full payment and the design becomes irrevocable unless it was acquired through unethical methods.
  2. All designs are for non-commercial purposes only. Please contact Demon and the design's artist if you'd like to use it commercially.
  3. Co-ownership is not regulated. There is only one official owner and any co-ownership is done at your own risk.
  4. The original designer should always be credited for the design.

Ownership Transfers

  1. To transfer to a user, you must fill out the transfer form on this forum post or the Discord and submit it in the comments. It will be transferred by an admin ASAP.
  2. Upon trading, reselling or gifting the design to another individual, the previous owner agrees to transfer all ownership rights to the recipient.

Design Voiding

  1. Designs can be voided completely from the species unless forbidden by the designer's TOS. Once voided, they can not be reinstated without a MYO.
  2. The voided design will still remain on the masterlist for future reference.
  3. The design should be sufficiently altered to avoid resemblance to the original species. Mainly the lore needs to be different.
  4. If the design was created by you: You have full rights to the design and can do whatever you'd like with it.
  5. If the design was created by someone else: The design will follow the original designer's TOS.


MYO's can be obtained through the following means:

  • MYO sales - both for credits and real money
  • MYO Giveaways
  • Working as staff

After you've obtained your MYO, the slot will be kept up with on the masterlist.

MYO Designs and Approval

  1. Please follow the respective species design guides to make sure you create a design that 100% reflects the species.
  2. Designs may:
    • Be similar in concept or themes to other designs as long as the final design be visually distinct from any existing designs.
    • Be based on other designs that you own as long as the original designer is aware and gives permission for this. Trades of any MYO designs derived from other designs must be traded with its original design unless one is redesigned to be sufficently different.
  3. Design may not:
    • Be recognizably similar to any existing copyrighted material.
    • Contain ideological sensitive or culturally insensitive material. (No designs with Soviet Union flags or Native American headdresses.)
    • Be publicly displayed anywhere except the species' discord or toyhouse forums prior to approval.
  4. To submit your design, please visit this forum thread or the [] channel in the discord and follow the directions under 'MYO Submission.'

Edits and Redesigns

  1. All edits must be based on the original design and be recognizably the same design.
  2. Owners may choose to revert designs to any already approved redesign if desired, barring cases where the design has been redesigned to separate it from a different design.
  3. Major redesigns will require you to update the design's masterlist image and use a Genetic Engineering Ticket. Drastic changes to traits, colors, markings, etc. will be considered a major redesign. Clothes can be changed freely.


  1. For minor offenses, moderators may issue warnings.
  2. Penalties for minor offenses may include temporary bans from participation in any or all group activities including but not restricted to:
    • Access to the group Discord
    • Events
    • Adopt or MYO slot purchases
  3. Major offenses that severely breach the Terms of Use will result in an immediate ban and blacklist.
  4. Blacklisted users can not interact with the community beyond trading designs.
  5. If a design belonging to a blacklisted user is traded to a non-blacklisted user, the new user may use this design to participate in group activities.